Monday, April 30, 2012

Occidental Queerness

Occidental Queerness

Rustling of leaves in post-Autumn wind
Wasting the Time in the chest of memories
Catering the wounded soldier
And dancing before the dead horse
Listening to ‘Smells like Teenage Spirit’
To forget that you are a creature of night
Learning, from death-bed to coffin
The only reason you were once alive!
Army of locusts have faded into mist
The plague has vanished in the ‘Sixties
So that, doctors could return to kill!

Sunday, April 29, 2012



Acting as dumb do
Singing as numb do
On the stage of life
Surrounded by fake smiles
Whispering the true lies
Eating like one has to save the world
Preying like the beast with no heart
Love has long left
Courage—which can fire one up—
Is now just reduced to ashes

Kafka on the Shore

Following lines are from Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami:

You sit at the edge of the world,
I am in a crater that’s no more.
Words without letters
Standing in the shadow of the door.

The moon shines down on a sleeping lizard,
Little fish rain down from the sky.
Outside the window there are soldiers,
Steeling themselves to die.

Kafka sits in a chair by the shore,
Thinking of the pendulum that moves the world, it seems.
When your heart is closed,
The shadow of the unmoving Sphinx
Becomes a knife that pierces your dreams.

The drowning girl’s fingers
Search for the entrance stone, and more.
Lifting the hem of her azure dress,
She gazes –
At Kafka on the shore.

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Ocean of Unknown Depth

The Ocean of Unknown Depth

Sun rising from the West
Corona of Moon still lingers
On the Day of Final Judgment
Purging the sense itself
Like it never existed
Hating your lovers, even
More than you ever hated your worst foes
Wasting no more teardrops
In the trivial abyss

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Far-fetched Cry

A Far-fetched Cry

When one’s able to read
The darkness beholding the truth
Resurrecting the soul
From the clay of white lies
Shrieking at the top of one’s voice:

To be earnest with Ecclesia
But in heart to be one with Galileo


Monday, April 23, 2012

Suffering from the Moon Twilight

Suffering from the Moon Twilight

Aftermath of Love
Is but scattering
In the wind of bitterness
And like cut by a knife of nonsense
One’s heart bleeds
Tears of sorrow
Dusk, full of hollow
Moon, without life
Barren and yet…


Tuesday, April 17, 2012



Life was hell?
No, but the reason it was alive
Made it hell

If a raindrop could be searched
In all of ocean water
The search itself would ridiculed

When Love could be changed into hate
Why, then, hate could not be turned into Love?

Alas! I spent my life in chasing
A dream, dreamt by others
And Loved someone
Who could not be mine!

If I could change
What I have
Nothing would have demoralized my Soul
In the Search of soul-mate

Friday, April 13, 2012

My Relationship with Cigar

My Relationship with Cigar

(Written for Paulo Coelho’s Blog)

Kings matters less than subjects
Angels are subdued by beauty
Beasts burst into tears
When a rose awakes in morning
But the nectar goes to humming birds

Even after I have drink the Ayahuasca
I wasn’t able to see the Light in utter darkness
I walked on the bank of a river
In the season of daffodils
But the river never accepted my advances

I met a crouching tiger –
Outside his dwellings
I ran away
For I have forgotten the Art of Fighting!

Honey in my cup tastes like soap
Perhaps, my neighbors’ bear loves it that way

Why do I have to write Her Name?
If that has to vanish in thin air

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Devil Dreaming in the Year of Dragon

Devil Dreaming in the Year of Dragon 

Requesting angel to eat out of your hands
Begging to listen to what your heartbeat says
To waste time on a lost soul
The embassy has forgotten its people

Mastering the art of suffering
By mocking yourself
Annihilating life from her roots
With a gun of water

Fire of Hell has lost its color
For, the death is not an escape anymore

Devotee is losing his courage
Amid the question of killing
The echoes, Earnest once heard
And Kafka once whispered

I killed a hyena living afar
And told lion
That he is the greatest

I lend a musketeer my sword
To put a face
Behind the Mask

When Snow White was weeping
I turned her tears into ice

When Aschenputtel needed a glass shoe
My magic wand created a Prince
Who could not tell between wood and glass

French weren't retreated due to opponents
But, I put the fear of Victory in them

Justice was a fairy
I lured her into a lucid dream
Of being the Goddess of Everything
And I told everyone
That I am their Ruler

While watching my disciples at work
Upon the Hour of the Devil
I vociferated, "Six, Six, Six!"


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My Inspiration

Julie and Julia inspired me to write this blog; I love both Amy Adams and Meryl Streep. They have done splendid job in the movie.

The Lonely Ant’s Journey

The Lonely Ant’s Journey

Walking on the wall
Of seasons and loneliness
In the shadow of yellow leaves
And through the sunlight of December’s afternoon
Reaching the summit of Love
In pangs of pain
Forming the sacrifice of youth
And clinching the Cup of Socrates
To die among the martyrs
To reach one’s doom
Without fears and gloom
And fulfilling one’s nightmare
The bloodshed
That leaves no one spear

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Waking up inside Cage

Waking up inside Cage

My inner wolf cried: here came the boy!
Come to me, my brethren
I've lost all the sheep
In the Vortex of Youth

When I was told: don't lie!
I told mud you are beautiful
Because narcissus is blooming
In your Shadow of Virginity

You forget all of your promises
That you done on prom night
You ran away with a criminal
As if that would cast you free

Wells of vine were changed into water
Water was changed into red blood
Blood altered into dark night
Full of tears, despair and sins

Runic Script

In stanza 157 of Hávamál, the runes are attributed with the power to bring that which is dead to life. In this stanza, Odin recounts a spell:
Þat kann ek it tolfta,
ef ek sé á tré uppi
váfa virgilná,:
svá ek ríst ok í rúnum fák,
at sá gengr gumi
ok mælir við mik.[1]
I know a twelfth one if I see,
up in a tree,
a dangling corpse in a noose,
I can so carve and color the runes,
that the man walks
And talks with me.[2]

In Norse mythology, the runic alphabet is attested to a divine origin (Old Norsereginkunnr). This is attested as early as on the Noleby Runestone from around 600 AD that reads Runo fahi raginakundo toj[e'k]a..., meaning "I prepare the suitable divine rune ..."[3] and in an attestation from the 9th century on the Sparlösa Runestone which reads Ok rað runaR þaR rægi[n]kundu, meaning "And interpret the runes of divine origin".[4] More notably, in the Poetic Edda poem Hávamál, Stanza 80, the runes are also described as reginkunnr:
Þat er þá reynt,
er þú að rúnum spyrr
inum reginkunnum,
þeim er gerðu ginnregin
ok fáði fimbulþulr,
þá hefir hann bazt, ef hann þegir.[5]
That is now proved,
what you asked of the runes,
of the potent famous ones,
which the great gods made,
and the mighty sage stained,
that it is best for him if he stays silent.[6]

The poem Hávamál explains that the originator of the runes was the major god Odin. Stanza 138 describes how Odin received the runes through self-sacrifice:
Veit ek at ek hekk vindga meiði a
netr allar nío,
geiri vndaþr ok gefinn Oðni,
sialfr sialfom mer,
a þeim meiþi, er mangi veit, hvers hann af rótom renn.  
I know that I hung on a windy tree
nine long nights,
wounded with a spear, dedicated to Odin,
myself to myself,
on that tree of which no man knows from where its roots run.[7]
In stanza 139, Odin continues:
Við hleifi mik seldo ne viþ hornigi,
nysta ek niþr,
nam ek vp rvnar,
opandi nam,
fell ek aptr þaðan.
No bread did they give me nor a drink from a horn,
downwards I peered;
I took up the runes,
screaming I took them,
then I fell back from there.[7b]

Detail of the Elder Futhark inscription on a replica of one of the 5th century AD Golden Horns of Gallehus found in Denmark
This passage has been interpreted as a mythical representation of shamanic initial ritual in which the initiate must undergo a physical trial in order to receive mystic widsom.[8]



At dawn, the birds
Try to convince me
That their voice
Is but beautiful

At noon, the silence
Shows its color:
Reveals secret of my Soul
My ears can hear my heart

At evening, the sunset
With its red-orange flavor—
(The feeling of Your Lips)
Makes me vibrating

At night, tears of blood
Bleed from my eyes
The Time does not need
A black-hole to be stopped
