Waxing Trial s
In Your Arms
I’m ten and nigh
I’m dream and sigh
In Your Arms
I shed tears and cry
I lost and try
In Your Eyes
My shadow lurks
My body burns
In the dread of the night
I called Eureka
I shined in forsaken rocks
Like mica
From the garden of daydreams
I plucked flowers of yucca:
From miles away
You pour the red nectar
Of Your heart-shaped Lips
Into the underground river
From that
I drank and drank
To lose my conscience
Under the starry sky
When I woke up
I named the most beautiful constellation
After You
And worshiped You
Upon seeing me gazing
The constellation –You –
Your father committed me
To the asylum
When You hidden in rags
Like a pearl
Came to see me
We both ran away
To a country unknown
There, you found
A black rose
You loved it
You imagined: this is My prince
Even the rose had to fulfill
Your whim
And in a moment’s flash
It was as human as me
But You didn't accept…
My plea
And went away with him
From the garden of reverie…!